Thursday, November 13, 2008

Love - chemistry and biology, nothing mystical.

I know this from experience because I married and thought that I had fallen in love with a sexual Houdini, a master, a man who had researched, visualized and honed his craft. In retrospect, I thought I had fallen in love when instead I had been subjected to a calculated manipulation. Of course I went along for the ride because – well I’m not stupid, the sex was mind blowing. Also because I still wanted to believe in love forever and always, graying and getting old together, weathering the storms, blah, blah, blah – together.

I became wise to his training when 4-5 years into our relationship, he introduced me to his bible – The Tao of Sexology. I have since given it away. I guess I’m a slow learner, because it took me another 3-4 years to accept that without that book I would have seen a completely different person AND that what I thought was love was really just basic chemistry, biology and a bit of intoxication. He hid his true personality well for an exceptionally long time, bit by bit. After our son was born and we decided that I could stay home with baby – he began to say things like ‘ it’s my money, my house, if you don’t like it, leave’. Of course he was always sorry later or would attribute it to My stress level. But I digress.

Reading his 'bible' gave me lot of insight into his manipulation and explained a lot about those early days. The marathon sex sessions, aided by wine or bud that went on for hours and turned any hotel room, even his crappy little bedroom into a palace. All calculated and controlled. It explained his ability to go for days literally without ejaculating all the while going at with me for hours every day. Amazing, truly you should read the book. Of course later that skill simply pissed me off and I avoided him more and more as his true personality was revealed.

So I have come to the conclusion that we’ve all been duped and that we actually enjoy it. Love is and always will be simply your body reacting to a chemical change brought about by the right combination of touch, lies and intoxicants. The stuff about the heart is total bullshit – it’s a muscle and that romantic heart exists only in our minds and in the movies. So we buy into the bullshit, else the entire movie industry would collapse.

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